Reports below represent some of the scholarship of the Citrin Center affiliated faculty. Links will lead you to PDF versions of these reports.
- Competing Norms of Free Expression and Political Tolerance – Dennis Chong and Morris Levy
- Identity Choice: Fragmentation and Cohesion – Jack Citrin, keynote lecture to 2018 ISPP Annual Meeting
- Political Trust in a Cynical Age – Jack Citrin and Laura Stoker
- The Muted Consequences of Correct Information about Immigration – Daniel J. Hopkins, John Sides and Jack Citrin
- Thick Versus Thin Assimilation: American Public Opinion about Language and Citizenship – Cara Wong, Morris Levy and Jack Citrin
- Waiting for Trump: The Move to the Right of White Working Class Men, 1968-2016 – Shad Turney, Frank Levy, Jack Citrin, and Neil O’Brian

Jack Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research
UC Berkeley
The Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science
798 Social Sciences Building #1950
Berkeley, CA 94720-1950